
首页 剑桥雅思8



发布时间:2021-01-07 关键词:
摘要: 剑桥雅思8听力:Test4雅思听力Section3真题及解析


  DAN:Hi Jeannie. How's it going?

  JEANNIE:Oh, hello Dan. Pretty well, thanks, Have you managed to get the moneyfor the course yet?

  DAN:Yes, that's all sorted out now, thanks. It took long enough, though. It waspractically a year ago that I applied to my local council for a grant, and ittook them six months to turn me down.

  JEANNIE:That's really slow.

  DAN:And I thought I was elile for government funding, but it seems I wasmistaken. So then I asked the boss of the company I used to work for ifthey would sponsor me, and much to my surprise, he said they'd make acontribution.

  JEANNIE:But what about college grants and scholarships? There must be some youcould apply for.

  DAN:Yes, there are, but they're all s0 small that I decided to leave them until Iwas desperate.

  JE ANNIE:Uhuh.

  DAN:And in fact I didn't need to apply, My parents had been saying that as Ialready had a job, I ought to support myself through college. But in theend they took pity on me. so now l've just about got enough.

  JEANNIE:That's good.

  DAN:So now I can put a bit of effort into meeting people - I haven't had time sofar. Any suggestions?

  JEANNIE:What about joining some college ciubs?

  DAN:Oh right. You joined several didn't you?

  JEANNIE:Yes, I'm in the drama club. Its our first performance next week, so we'rerehearsing fartially, and I've got behind with my work, but its worth it.I'm hoping to be in the spring producion, too.

  DAN:I've never liked acting. Are you doing anything else?

  JEANNE:I enjoyed singing when I was at school, so Ijoined a group when I cameto college. I don't think the conductor stretches us enough, though so I'lgive up after the next concert And I also joined the debating society. It'sfun, but with all the rehearsing I'm doing, something has to 99, and I'mafraid that's the one.

  DAN:Do you do any sports?

  JEANNIE:Yes, I'm in one of the hockey teams. I'm not very good, but I'd really missit ifl stopped. I decided to try tennis when I came to college, and I'm  finding it pretty tough going. I'm simply not ft enough.

  DAN:Nor me. I think 'l give that a miss!

  JEANNIE:I'm hoping i'll help me to build up my stamina, but it'l probably be a longhaul.

  DAN:Good luck.


    DAN:How are you finding the course?

  JEANNIE:I wish we had more seminars.

  DAN:What? I'd have thought we had more than enough already. All thosepeople saying clever things that I could never think of- it's quite interesting, but ! wonder I'm clever enough to be doing this course.

  JEANNIE:1 findit helpful to listen to the other people. I ike the way we're xploringthe subjedt, and working towards getting insight into it.

  DAN:How do you get on with your tutor? Idon't think I'm on the same wavelength as mine, so I feel I'm not getting anything out of the tutorials.It would be more productive to read a book instead.

  JEANNIE:Oh, mine's very demanding. She gives me lots of feedback and advice, soI've got much better at writing essays. And she's helping me plan my revision for the end-of-year exams.

  DAN:Do tell me, I always struggle with revision.JEANNIE:Well, the first thing is to find out exacty what's required in the exams.

  DAN:Mm. Would it help to get hold of some past papers?

  JEANNIE:Yes. They' help to make it dlear.

  DAN:Right, 'l do that. Then what?

       JEANNIE:Then you can sort out your revision priorities, based on what's most likelyto come up. I put these on a card, and read them through regularly.

  DAN:Uhuh.JEANNIE:But that isn' enough in iself. You also need a timetable, to see how youcan ft everything in, in the time available. Then keep it in front of youwhile you're studying.

  DAN:I've done that before, but it hasn't helped me!

JEANNIE:Maybe you need to do something diferent every day. so if you breakdown your revision into small tasks. and alocate them to specific days,there's more incentive to tackle them. With big topics you're more likely toput off startina.

  DAN:Good idea.

     JEANNIE:And as I revise each topic I write a single paragraph about it - then later Ican read it through quickly, and it helps fix things in my mind.

  DAN:That's billiant.

  JEANNIE:I also write answers to questions for the exam practice. lt's hard to makemyself do it, though!

  DAN:Well, l'l try. Thanks a lot, Jeannie. That's a great help.

  JEANNIE:No problem.

  DAN:See you around.
















  珍妮:是的,我在戏剧俱乐部。这是我们下周的次演出, 所以我们排练得很远, 我工作落后了, 但它是值得的。我也希望春天能生产。


  珍妮:我上学时喜欢唱歌,所以上大学时我一起唱了一群人。我认为指挥家不够伸展我们, 虽然所以我在下一场音乐会后放弃了, 我也加入了辩论会。很有趣, 但随着我正在做的所有排练, 有些东西必须 99, 我害怕, 这就是一个。


  珍妮:是的,我是一支曲棍球队。我不是, 但我真的会错过, 如果停止。我决定尝试网球,当我来到大学,我


  丹:也不是我我想 '我会错过的!

  珍妮:我希望我能帮助我建立耐力, 但它可能是一个漫长的时间。





  丹:什么?我以为我们已经受够了所有那些人说聪明的事情, 我永远也想不出 - 这是相当

  有趣,但!我不知道我足够聪明, 可以上这门课。

  珍妮: 发现倾听其他人的话很有帮助。我喜欢我们xlorings的子jedt,并致力于深入了解它的方式。

  丹:你的导师怎么样?我不认为我在同一样波长作为我的, 所以我觉得我没有得到任何教程。改为读一本书会更有成效。


  丹:告诉我, 我总是在复习上挣扎。


  丹:嗯, 拿一些过去的文件有帮助吗?




  丹:嗯, 嗯。


  丹:我以前做过, 但对我没有帮助!

  珍妮:也许你需要每天做点事。所以,如果你把你的修订分解成小任务。并把它们分配到特定的日子, 有的动机去对付它们。有了大话题,你更可能把开始。











  Questions 21-22


  听 前 预 测 :定 位 词 为 financing, 选 项 关 键 词 分 别 为 government、family、college、local council、former employer。

  题目解析 :本题考查提供学费、资助 Dan 同学的两种方式,要注意出现的干扰信息,即辨清 肯定和否定的关系。local council for a grant 和 government funding 均属干扰信息,故排除选 项 A 和 D。I asked the boss of the company I used to work for if they would sponsor me, and much to my surprise, he said they’d make a contribution.(我问了原先工作过的公司老板是否愿意资助我,出乎意料的是,他居然同意了。)另外,college grants and scholarships 也属干扰信息,故排除 C 选项。之后提到了 parents,最后说 they took pity on me(他们同情我),言外 之意是父母提供了赞助,take pity on sb. 表示“怜悯某人”。

  Questions 23-24


  听前预测 :定位词为 leave college clubs,选项关键词分别为 not sufficiently challenged、 interferes with study、not enough time、too demanding physically、not good at the activity。

  题目解析 :本题难度较大,考查 Jeannie 决定退出一些俱乐部的两个原因,其中选项 B 干扰 性很强,I’ve got behind with my work, but it’s worth it(我的功课落后了,但是我觉得很值), but 之后的内容提示此点不能作为离开的原因。另外,选项 E 也是干扰选项,谈到 hockey teams 时,根据 I’m not very good, but I’d really miss it if I stopped(我不是很擅长,但是如果 我不参加的话,我会很想念),but 之后的内容提示选项 E 为干扰选项。根据 I don’t think the conductor stretches us enough(我觉得指挥没有能够充分地使用我们)以及 but with all the rehearsing I’m doing, something has to go(当我参加完所有排练时,有的事情就被耽误了)可 断定,这两点才是真正退出社团的原因,所以选项 A 和 C 为正确答案。

  Question 25

  答案 B

  听前预测 :定位词为 seminars,选项关键词分别为 no chance to speak、feel inferior、takes too much time。

  题目解析 :本题有难度,谈到 seminars 时,Dan 同学说 it’s quite interesting but I wonder if I’m clever enough to be doing this course(研讨课很有趣,但我希望自己能够再聪明一些就 好了)。言外之意,他感到他在研讨课上不如别人,故选项 B 为正确答案。

  Question 26

  答案 C

  听前预测 :定位词为 tutorials,选项关键词分别为 inefficient way、more challenging、help... study skills。

  题目解析 :选项 A 和 C 意思正好相反,其中必有一个正确答案。Jeannie 同学对 tutorial 的评 价为 I’ve got much better at writing essays(在论文写作方面,我学到了),所以选项 C 为正确答案。

  Question 27

  答案 priorities

  听前预测 :定位词为 past papers、revision,提示词为 your,此处应填名词。题目解析 :本题为信息后置,所听即所得。原文中说 Then you can sort out your revision priorities(然后你可以挑出优先修改的地方),确定答案为 priorities。注意答案为复数形式。

  Question 28

  答案 timetable


  题目解析 :本题难度不大,定位词 card 后说到 you also need a timetable(你也需要一张时间 表)。所听即所得。

  Question 29 答案 (small) tasks

  听前预测 :定位词为 each day,提示词为 divide...into,此处应填名词。

  题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得。根据 ...if you break down your revision into small tasks...(把修改计划拆分成一些小的任务即可)可得出答案。注意答案为复数形式。

  Question 30 答案 (single) paragraph

  听前预测 :定位词为 each topic,提示词为 one,此处应填名词(单数)。

  题目解析本题难度不大,所听即所得。根据 And as I revise each topic I write a single paragraph about it...(当修改某个话题时,我会写一个单独的小段落)即可得出答案。