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发布时间:2021-12-01 关键词:隐形贫困人口
摘要: invisible poverty-stricken population隐形贫困人口,什么意思呢?根据网上的解释,“隐形贫困人口”指有些人看起来每天都有吃有喝有玩,但实际上非常穷。下面我们了解下如何造句吧~

  invisible poverty-stricken population隐形贫困人口,什么意思呢?根据网上的解释,“隐形贫困人口”指有些人看起来每天都有吃有喝有玩,但实际上非常穷。下面我们了解下如何造句吧~


  An "invisible poverty-stricken population" describes people who spend lavishly on food and clothes, buy the latest mobile phone models, and frequently travel, but have no savings or may even be in debt.

  "Invisible poverty-stricken population" has become a buzzword on the internet.

  1. invisible poverty population 隐形贫困人口

  This report mainly elaborates the basic characteristic of invisible poverty population in cities. 这篇报告主要分析了都市中隐形贫困人口的基本特征。

  2. invisible impoverished people 隐形贫困人口

  For those invisible impoverished people, bus is their only means of transportation. 对于那些隐形贫困人口来说,公交车是他们的交通方式。


  3. needy 贫困的,穷人

  We will try to get more food to the needy child. 我们会努力地把更多食物送给贫困儿童。

  4. destitute 一无所有的,贫困的

  The terrible fires left numerous citizens destitute. 这场严重的火灾使得许多老百姓变得一无所有。

  5. penniless 贫穷的,身无分文的

  This restaurant provides food for penniless travelers in the evening. 这家餐厅在晚上的时候回为身无分文的旅客提供食物。

  6. badly off 缺钱的,贫穷的

  I am badly off and cannot afford the rent today. 我真的缺钱,今天是交不起租的了。

  7. in Queer Street 陷入(经济)困境,负债

  Sell the company and leave, or you'll end up in Queer Street. 卖掉公司吧,离开吧,否则你会负债的。