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雅思词汇解析(6) | 假日结束(下)

雅思词汇解析(6) | 假日结束(下)

发布时间:2022-11-02 关键词:雅思词汇解析
摘要: 下面新航道小编为大家整理出关于假日结束的相关内容,大家一起来学习一下吧。


  1. Party is over!

  一个非常符合大家现在心境的短语,不止是字面意思上的派对结束。一起看下英文解释:a period of freedom, enjoyment, very good luck,etc. has now come to an end and life is about to return to normal 没错,就是快乐的日子告一段落,该收收心干正事了。

  e.g. We had a whale of time while the manager was away, but now the party’s over.


  注:have a whale of time 玩得开心。


  2. Shuttle /'ʃʌt(ə)l/

  n. 往来于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车);

  常见的搭配:shuttle bus/flight/ train/ service

  e.g. That's the Airport Shuttle that will take you from the airport right to your hotel or private address. It’s a door-to-door service and it would suit you much better, because there's one every two hours. (剑7T1S1)


  Airport shuttle: __________ service.

  正确答案: door-to-door 上门服务 (一定不要忘记连字符,三个词连起来修饰service.)

  Shuttle 也可以作为动词使用,

  Shuttle from A to B. / between A and B 在两地往返。

  e.g. We shuttled between the city and the country all summer.


  3. Carpool /ˈkɑɚˌpuːl/

  v. 合伙用车;拼车;

  e.g. She carpools to work every day with her neighbor.




  比如上一季度口语话题问到:How can we solve the traffic jam problem?

  建议之一就可以是:Government should encourage carpooling to cut the number of one-passenger cars on the roads.

  4. Space out

  [phrasal verb] 注意力不集中;精神恍惚

  基本上就是大家节后第 一天上班的状态了。

  e.g. I spaced out for a minute and didn't hear what my manager said.


  e.g. I spaced out halfway through the lecture.


  类似的表达:zone out / wander

  这就是我们常说的假期综合症吧,“post-holiday blues/ syndrome”


  Have you ever suffered from Monday morning blues?