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雅思口语:do you have the time怎么回答?do you have the time翻译成中文

雅思口语:do you have the time怎么回答?do you have the time翻译成中文

发布时间:2022-10-18 关键词:雅思口语 do you have the time
摘要: 雅思口语:do you have the time怎么回答?do you have the time翻译成中文是什么意思?do you have the time跟do you have time一字之差含义大不相同,可不要回答错了!

  do you have the time怎么回答?do you have the time翻译成中文是什么意思?如果您对跟time相关的雅思口语短语感兴趣,那就一起往下看看吧!

do you have the time怎么回答?do you have the time翻译成中文

雅思口语:Do you have the time?

  大家看到这句话是不是以为是在问“你有空吗?”,注意一个细节,有时间是“have time”,而没有“the”。

  “Do you have the time”这句表达里加了一个定冠词“the”,这里的“time”指的是“钟表时间”。因此大家知道了吗?这句话其实是在问“你知道现在几点了吗?”


  Bother you, do you have the time?


  当然,询问时间也可以直接说成“What time is it? ”,虽然是一个比较简单、基础的表达,但是怎么用都不会出错~

  最后的最后提醒大家,如果帅气小哥问你“Do you have time?”真的就是在约你哦~

雅思口语:have time on your hands

  大家看到“have time on your hands”第 一反应是什么?有时间在手上么?No no no,这句话可千万别理解错了,它的英文释义为:“to have nothing to do.” 指的 是“无事可做”。


  Gina has some time on her hands, so she is taking a college course.


  I'll have a bit more time on my hands now that we've finished the year-end audit.


  Our kids had too much time on their hands last summer break, so we decided to enroll them in a few different summer camps to keep them occupied.


  Now the children have left home, she’s got a lot more time on her hands.


  You have time on your hands. Why don't you start a hobby?


  看了这么多例子,大家可以理解了吧,“have time on your hands”指的就是你现在有很多可支配时间,因此,当你时间非常充裕时,是不是就代表着你事情不多了?所以理解为“无事可干”。

雅思口语:have time to kill

  跟“have time on your hands”意思相近的短语还有“have time to kill”,也可以理解为“无所事事”或者“有空闲时间”的意思。

  If you say You have time to kill,you mean You have free time,You have nothing to do right now or some time in the future.

  To have time to kill means To have some free time,or spare time.

  也可以说成“kill time”。kill是指“杀死、杀掉”的意思,time是“时间”的意思,kill time就表示“消磨时间”的意思。To spend time doing something while one is waiting,要注意这个表达可以在time这个单词的前面加上冠词the,所以kill the time这个表达也是可以的。


  We killed time playing video games.


  以上内容就是雅思口语:do you have the time怎么回答,do you have the time翻译成中文是什么意思以及与time相关的雅思口语短语的介绍解析,希望对您积累雅思口语表达,掌握更多雅思口语短语有所帮助!若您还想了解更多有关雅思口语方面的技巧、真题演练等相关内容,欢迎持续关注本站!若您还想了解新航道雅思托福课程培训,欢迎咨询我们!