
首页 剑桥雅思10



发布时间:2021-03-30 关键词:剑桥雅思
摘要: 小编为大家整理出关于剑桥雅思10听力:Test4雅思听力Section3解析的相关内容。


  TIM:Hi, Laura—could you spare a few minutes to talk about the work placement you did last summer?

  I'm thinking of doing one myself...

  LAURA:Hi, Tim.


  TIM:Didn't you do yours at an environmental services company?

  LAURA:That's right...

  It's only a very small company and they needed someone to produce a company brochure, and I wanted to get some business experience because I'm interested in a career in occupational psychology in a business environment.

  It was good because I had overall responsibility for the project.

  TIM:What kind of skills do you think you developed on the placement?

  I mean, apart from the ones you already had...

  Did you have to do all the artwork for the brochure, the layout and everything?

  LAURA:We hired the services of a professional photographer for that.

  I did have to use my IT skills to a certain extent because I cut and pasted text from marketing leaflets, but that didn't involve anything I hadn't done before.

  TIM:- Do you think you got any better at managing your time and prioritising things?

  You always used to say you had trouble with that...

  LAURA:Oh, definitely.

  There was so much pressure to meet the project deadline.

  - And I also got better at explaining things and asserting my opinions, because I had to have weekly consultations with the marketing manager and give him a progress report.

  TIM:It sounds as if you got a lot out of it then.


  It was really worthwhile ...

  But you know, the company benefited too...

  TIM:Yes, they must have done.

  After all, if they’d used a professional advertising agency to produce their brochure instead of doing it in-house, presumably they'd have paid a lot more?

  LAURA:Oh, yes.

  I worked it out—- it would have been 250 per cent more.

  And I thought the end result was good, even though we did everything on site.

  The company has quite a powerful computer and I managed to borrow some scanning software from the university.

  The new brochure looks really professional;

  - it enhances the image of the company straight away.

  TIM:So in the long run it should help them to attract clients, and improve their sales figures?

  LAURA:That's the idea.


  TIM:Well, all in all it sounds very positive — I think I will go ahead and apply for a placement myself.

  How do I go about it?

  LAURA:It's easy enough to do, because there's a government agency called STEP- S-T-E-P - that organises placements for students.

  You should start by getting their booklet with all the details—I expect you can download one from their website.

  TIM:Actually, they’ve got copies in the psychology department—I've seen them there, I'll just go to the office and pick one up.


  And then if I were you, after I'd looked at it I'd go over all the options with someone...

  TIM:I suppose I should ask my tutor's advice.

  He knows more about me than anyone.

  LAURA: One of the career officers would be better, they've got more knowledge about the jobs market than your personal tutor would have.


  LAURA:And then when you know what you want you can register with STEP—you'll find their address in the booklet.

  And once you've registered they assign you to a mentor who looks after your application.

  TIM:And then I suppose you just sit back and wait till you hear something?

  LAURA:They told me at the careers office that it's best to be proactive, and get updates yourself by checking the website for new placement alerts.

  Your mentor is supposed to keep you informed, but you can't rely on that.

  TIM:I don't suppose it's a good idea to get in touch with companies directly, is it?

  LAURA:Not really...

  But it is the company who notifies you if they want you to go for an interview.

  You get a letter of invitation or an email from personnel departments.

  TIM:And do I reply directly to them?

  LAURA:Yes, you do.

  STEP only gets involved again once you've been made a job offer.


  So, once you've had an interview you should let your mentor know what the outcome is?

  I mean whether you're offered a job, and whether you've decided to accept it?

  LAURA:That’s right.

  They'll inform the careers office once a placement has been agreed, so you don't have to do that.

  TIM:Is that all then?

  LAURA:More or less.

  Only once you’ve accepted an offer you'll probably have to supply a reference, because the placement will be conditional on that.

  And that's something you should ask your own tutor to provide.

  He knows about your academic ability and also about your qualities, like reliability.

  TIM:Well, thanks very much for the information—I'm starting to look forward...



  Questions 21-22

  答案:A E

  定位:题目中的关键词为 improve、work placement,题目问的是 Laura 在她的 work placement(工作实习)中 improve 的两个技巧是什么。

  解析:根据题目中的关键词 improve 定位到录音中的 got any better at...,这两个词属于同义替换。后面的录音中 Tim 问 Laura 在 managing your time and prioritising things(安排自己的时间和优先做某件事)上有没有得到,Laura 的回答是肯定的。选项 E organisation 和 manage your time and prioritizing things 是同义替换,答案就是 E; 继续用 got better at...定位,Laura 说她 also 在 explaining things and asserting my opinions (解释沟通事情和坚持观点)方面有所,选项 A communication 和 explaining things and asserting my opinions 是同义替换,答案就是 A。

  Questions 23-24

  答案:B C

  定位:题目中的关键词为 immediate 、benefits、company、get from,选项中的关键词分别别是: A. software、B. cost savings、C. image、D. client、E. sales。

  解析:题目中的关键词 benefit、company 在录音中重现,定位到 the company benefited too... 之 后 Laura 所说的 250 per cent more,内容与答案 B cost savings 相关,答案就是 B;录音中虽然提到了 A software,但这与录音内容不符,是干扰项;选项 C 中 image 在录音中重现,后面的 straight away 与题目中的关键词 immediate 是同义替换,意思是马上了公司的 image,与 immediate benefits 相符,答案就是 C。选项 D client 和 E sales 也出现在后续中,但之前的修饰语是 in the long run,与 immediate 这个条件不符。

  Question 25


  定位:题目中的关键词为 obtaining、booklet,选项中的关键词分别是:A. manager、B. personnel department、C. personal tutor、D. psychology department、E. mentor、F. careers officer、G. internet。

  解析: 题目中的关键词 booklet 在录音中重现,定位词 get their booklet 与题目中的关键词 obtaining booklet 是同义替换,但之后录音中所说的 website, 选项中不存在。后面的 copies (booklet 的副本)可以在选项 D. psychology department 中拿到。答案就是 D。

  Question 26


  定位:题目中的关键词为 discussing、options。

  解析:题目中的关键词 options 在录音中重现,由定位句 go over (研究)all the options with someone 可知,go over 与题目中的 discussing 是同义替换。后面 Laura 给出的建议是与 career officer 讨论较好。答案就是 F。

  Question 27


  定位:题目中的关键词为 getting updates。

  解析: 题目中的关键词 getting updates 在录音中重现,定位在 checking the websites 上, 其中 websites 与选项 G internet 是同义替换。答案就是 G。

  Question 28


  定位:题目中的关键词为 responding to、invitation、interview.

  解析:题目中的关键词 invitation、interview 在录音中重现,也是在包含答案的定位句中重现。如果去 interview,你需要从 B.personnel department 拿到 invitation,所以 personnel department 是要对 invitation 做出 responding (反馈)的。答案就是 B。

  Question 29


  定位:题目中的关键词为 outcome、inform。

  解析:题目中的关键词 outcome 在包含答案的定位句中重视。其中 let... know 和题目中的 inform 是同义替换,不管是否得到或接受工作,都要让 E mentor 知道。答案就是 E。

  Question 30


  定位:题目中的关键词为 requesting、reference。

  解析:根据题目中的关键词 referenced 录音中重现,定位到 supply a reference (介绍信),后面 录音说 ask your own tutor to provide 这封介绍信,ask... to 和题目中的 requesting 是同义替换,your own personal tutor 是同义替换。答案就是 C。