
首页 剑桥雅思9



发布时间:2021-04-14 关键词:
摘要: 今天小编为大家整理出关于剑桥雅思9听力Test1雅思听力Section1解析的相关内容,大家一起来练习一下吧。


  WOMAN:Good evening.

  King's Restaurant.

  MAN:Good evening.

  I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant.

  WOMAN:Oh yes.

  MAN:I'd like to find out a few more details, if I may.

  WOMAN:Yes, of course.

  Can I take your name?

  MAN:It's Peter Chin.

  WOMAN:Okay, Peter.

  Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange for you to come for an interview.

  MAN:Great, thanks.

  I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but heard about it from a friend.

  WOMAN:That's no problem at all.

  What would you like to know?

  MAN:Well, urn, what sort of work is it - washing up?

  WOMAN:It's answering the phone.

  MAN:Oh right, fine.

  WOMAN:And not waiting at table.

  MAN:That'd be good.

  And how many nights a week would it be?

  WOMAN:Well, we're really only busy at the weekend.

  MAN:So two nights?

  WOMAN:Three actually, so it would work out at twelve hours a week.

  MAN:That'd be fine.

  It wouldn't interfere with my studies.

  WOMAN:Are you at the university?


  First year Physics student.

  WOMAN:Oh, right.

  MAN:Urn, and because I'm not an EU national would I need a work permit?

  WOMAN:Yes you would.

  Just get your tutor to sign it.

  MAN:That wouldn't be a problem, if I were to get the job.

  Urn, where exactly is the restaurant?

  WOMAN:Well, we have two branches - the one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne Road.

  MAN:I don’t know that.

  How do you spell it please?

  WOMAN:It's H-I-double L-S-D-U-double N-E Road.

  MAN:Got that.


  Is it near a bus stop?


  The nearest one would probably be just beside the Library.

  MAN:Oh yes.

  I know it.

  That'd be fine for me.

  And could I ask about the pay?

  WOMAN:We're offering £4.45 an hour.

  MAN:That's very good.

  My last job was £3.95 an hour.

  WOMAN:We feel it's pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits.


  WOMAN:Well, we give you a free dinner, so you eat well.

  MAN:Right, better than hostel food!

  WOMAN:We certainly hope so!

  And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.

  MAN:Oh, that's a really good perk, isn't it?

  WOMAN:Yes, we think so.

  And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you're working after 11 o'clock we drive you home.

  MAN:Oh, that's good to know.

  WOMAN:Well, we'd certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if you're still interested?

  MAN:Oh yes, certainly.

  Could I just also ask what qualities you're looking for?

  WOMAN:Well, for this particular job we want a clear voice, which you obviously do have!


  WOMAN:And you must be able to think quickly, you know.


  I hope I’d ...

  WOMAN:So, when could you come in for an interview?

  We're actually quite quiet tonight?


  I couldn't come tonight.

  Or tomorrow, I’m afraid Thursday's okay –that’d be 22nd of October.

  WOMAN:Fine, after 5 p.m.?

  MAN:Yes, fine.

  Would 6 o'clock be okay?


  And could you bring along the names of two referees?

  MAN:Yes, that's fine, no problem.


  I look forward to seeing you.

  MAN:Oh, by the way, who should I ask for?

  WOMAN:Oh yes, of course, sorry.

  My name is Samira Manuja.

  MAN:Can you spell that, please?



  I've got that.

  Thanks very much.

  WOMAN:Look forward to seeing you later on then .


  Question 1

  答案:answer(ing) (the)phone

  定位原文:scripts: MAN: Well, um, what sort of work is it, washing up? WOMAN: It's answering the phone.

  解题思路: 注意同义词定位的问题。题干中的 type of work 在原文中的表述是 sort of work。另外,原文中有迷惑信息 washing up。

  Question 2

  答案:Hillsdunne Road

  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: Well, we have two branches. The one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne Road. MAN: I don't know that. How do you spell it please? WOMAN: It's H-I-double L-S-D-U-double N-E Road.

  解题思路: 本题的答案距离第 1 题很远,这需要考生注意力集中,否则容易错过答案。本题可以进行代词还原:原文中的 the one=the branch。另外,还要注意本题出题的角度,因为要用 branch 去定位,如果原文中先说答案,再说定位词,会比较难以定位;而题干中的语序在原文中是颠倒的,这反而使得定位更加容易。

  Question 3


  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: Yes. The nearest one would probably be just beside the Library.

  解题思路:代词还原:题干中的 nearest bus stop=原文中的 the nearest one。同义词:题干中的 next to=原文中的 beside。

  Question 4


  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: We're offering £4.45 an hour. MAN: That's very good. My last job was £3.95 an hour.

  解题思路:信息密集:本题的答案距离第 3 题很近,这需要考生边写边听的能力。另外要注意金钱的读法,英语中一般不会读成 four point four five,而会读成 four pounds forty five,或者 four forty five。

  Question 5

  答案:national holidays

  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: We certainly hope so! And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.


  Question 6

  答案:after 11 (o’clock)

  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: Yes, we think so. And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you're working after 11 o'clock we drive you home. MAN: Oh, that's good to know.

  解题思路:同义词:题干中的 transports=原文中的 drive you home。

  Question 7

  答案:clear voice

  定位原文:scripts: MAN: Oh yes, certainly. Could I just also ask what qualities you're looking for? WOMAN: Well, for this particular job we want a clear voice, which you obviously do have!

  解题思路:题干中的 required=原文中的 looking for。

  Question 8

  答案:think quickly

  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: And you must be able to think quickly, you know.

  解题思路:并列信息:本题与上一题是并列关系,比较容易定位。但是要注意派生词的问题:题干中是 ability to,原文中说的是 be able to。

  Question 9

  答案:22 October

  定位原文:scripts: MAN: Sorry, I couldn't come tonight, or tomorrow, I'm afraid. Thursday's okay, that'd be 22nd of October.


  Question 10


  定位原文:scripts: WOMAN: Oh yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Manuja. MAN: Can you spell that, please? WOMAN: M-A-N-U-J-A.

  解题思路:人名和地名的拼写是雅思常考内容。考生要注意两方面:(1)先听单词的发音(2)再听字母的拼读。有些字母的发音比较接近,会导致听不清,但是如果注意听单词的发音,就比较容易分清楚那些字母了。另外,雅思考试中会出现一些与英语发音习惯不一样的情况,比如,本题中 j 在人名 Manuja 中发/h/ 音,如果不注意后面听字母的拼读,有可能会拼写成 h。这样的情况还有 v 和 b,这两个字母在西班牙语中的发音可能是反的。

