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发布时间:2021-04-07 关键词:雅思百科,雅思口语常见错误
摘要: 在口语考试第三部分开始时,考官会使用如下的介绍语(以第二部分是Describe an interesting book you read before为例):OK. We have been talking about books. Now I’d like to ask you one or two general questions related to this topic. So first of all, let’s talk about reading habits.


  在口语考试第三部分开始时,考官会使用如下的介绍语(以第二部分是Describe an interesting book you read before为例):

  OK. We have been talking about books. Now I’d like to ask you one or two general questions related to this topic. So first of all, let’s talk about reading habits.

  介绍语中的general questions其实是在提示考生,这个部分的问题会针对people in general(人们),而不是像和第二部分主要问的是考生本人的人生经历和喜好,所以你会发现第三部分的问题的主体常常是人们或某一类人,如:

  Do people in your country like to read?

  What kind of books do children like to read?

  Do you think more people will choose electronic books instead of printed books in the future?


  I really enjoy reading since I can learn so much from it. …

  When I was a child, I didn’t like reading. I would hang out with friends or watch TV instead …

  I will choose electronic books because they’re more convenient….


  这时,一般考官会提示考生, “What about people in general? Do they prefer electronic books as well?” 如果这个时候,考生还是没能意识到答案的主体需要改变,则会因为无法满足雅思口语考试评分标准中的“就出现的话题进行讨论或推测”,“语言表达详尽”等要求而失分。