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雅思词汇解析 | 音乐

雅思词汇解析 | 音乐

发布时间:2023-04-17 关键词:雅思词汇
摘要: 今天新航道小编带大家来学习和音乐相关的词汇。


  1. melody /'melədɪ/



  Pop: catchy melody 顺口的

  Instrumental/ classical: soothing melody 舒缓的

  Rock: strong melody 强劲的

  uplifting melody 振奋人心的

  haunting melody 难以忘怀的



  e.g. Classical music often has clean and soothing melodies which help to connect with people easily.

  e.g. The uplifting melodies really helped bring people out of a bad mood.

  2. hardcore /'hɑ:dkɔ:/

  adj. 现代音乐极端的,硬核的,纯正的;

  e.g. Their sound is hard-core punk. 硬核朋克摇滚

  e.g. I respect how hardcore his rap has gotten. It makes me feel like I’m there with him in the streets.

  adj. 狂热的

  e.g. hardcore fans /supporters/ customer

  e.g. We want to develop games that have a broader appeal beyond hard-core gamers.

  3. nostalgic /nə'stældʒɪk/

  adj. 使人怀念过去的; 引起怀旧之情的

  e.g. If you look at the words, they are as nostalgic as a song and that's its attraction.

  e.g. I am a huge fan of Frankie. His nostalgic style of music is a real tear-jerker.

  补充:tear-jerker 令人潸然泪下的东西。

  adj. 恋旧的;怀旧的

  搭配:be nostalgic for sth.

  e.g. Many people were nostalgic for the good old days.

  e.g. Many people plan for the future and, at the same time, feel nostalgic for the past.

  4. tune /tjuːn/

  n. 曲调;调子;主旋律

  e.g. His songs have simple words and catchy tunes.

  e.g. She was humming/ whistle a merry little tune.

  补充:hum v. 哼

  whistle v.吹口哨


  (1) singing a different tune 改变注意;换了腔调

  e.g. He bragged that the test was easy, but when he saw his grade he changed his tune.

  (2) be out of / in tune with (不)适合;(不)匹配

  e.g. His values are out of tune with the times.

  (3) can’t carry a tune

  e.g. Dean loves to listen to music but he can't carry a tune.