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发布时间:2022-10-10 关键词:雅思长难句 定状嵌套
摘要: 雅思长难句定状嵌套考点是什么?雅思长难句定状嵌套出过什么考题?雅思长难句定状嵌套真题解析去哪里找?如果您对雅思长难句定状嵌套感兴趣,欢迎查看本文内容了解!



雅思长难句 定状嵌套例句1

  In addition, a major collection like that of London's National Gallery is housed in numerous rooms, each with dozens of works, any one of which is likely to be worth more than all the average visitor possesses. (剑 10 Test 2 Passage 3)

  1) 结构分析

  主句:a major collection is housed in numerous rooms

  修饰①:like that of ...Gallery【like介短定语,修饰collection】

  修饰②:each with....works 【with介短定语,修饰rooms】

  修饰③:any one of which....possesses【which定从,修饰works】

  结构总结: 主句+介短定语+定从

  2) 译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰


  3) 重点词汇:

  house:v. 放置在...

  collections:n. 收藏品

  numerous: adj. 大量的,许多

  dozens of:(量词)数十个

  possess:v. 拥有 所有(财产)

雅思长难句 定状嵌套例句2

  If appropriate works of fine art could be rendered permanently accessible to the public by means of high-fidelity reproductions, as literature and music already are, the public may feel somewhat less in awe of them. (剑10 Test 2 Passage 3)

  1) 结构分析


  主句:the public may feel somewhat less in awe of them

  从句:if.....already are【if引导状从,修饰整个主句,表条件】


  从句内部:主体: appropriate works ....public

  修饰①: by means of....reproductions (by介短状语,修饰整个从句主体,表方式)

  修饰②: as....are(as定从,修饰整个主体,表正如....一样)

  结构总结:主句 + 状从【嵌套介短+as状从】

  2) 译文分析:红体字代表主干,大括号代表状从,小括号代表状从里的修饰

  【如果适合的艺术作品能够(像文学和音乐已经做到的那样):(通过高保真的复制方法)被大众永远接触到】, 那么人们可能就会不那么敬畏这些艺术作品了。

  3) 重点词汇:

  appropriate:adj. 合适的,恰当的

  render:v. 促使,让

  accessible to:(adj词组)被....接触到,被...获得

  permanently:adv. 永远的,永恒的

  high-fidelity:adj. 高保真的

  reproductions:n. 复制品

  awe:v. 敬畏

雅思长难句 定状嵌套例句3

  Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing necessary for his survival. (剑 10 Test 3 Passage 1)

  1) 结构分析:


  主句:Travel has existed

  修饰:since the beginning of time....survival【since短语做时间状语,修饰existed】


  修饰内部: 主体:beginning of time

  修饰①:when......survival(when定从,修饰begining of time)

  修饰②:traversing.....game(doing做状语,修饰set out)


  修饰④:necessary for...survival(介短做定语,修饰food and clothing)

  结构总结:主句 + 状语【嵌套定从+doing短语+介短】

  2) 译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰


  3) 重点词汇:

  primitive:adj. 原始的

  traverse:v. 穿越 跨越

  in search of:(词组)寻找

  game:n. 猎物

  survival:n. 幸存 生存

  the beginning of time:(词组)古代,从古至今
