
首页 剑桥雅思10



发布时间:2021-02-22 关键词:
摘要: 剑桥雅思10听力:Test2雅思听力Section3解析


  MIA:Hi, Rob.

  How's the course going?

  ROB:Oh, hi, Mia.

  Yeah, great.

  I can't believe the first term's nearly over.

  MIA:I saw your group's performance last night at the student theatre.

  It was good.


  Yeah ...

  but now we have to write a report on the whole thing, an in-depthanalysis.

  I don't know where to start.

  Like, I have to write about the role I played, the doctor, how I developed the character.

  MIA:Well, what was your starting point?


  my grandfather was a doctor before he retired, and I just based it on him.

  MIA:OK, but how?

  Did you talk to him about it?

  ROB:He must have all sorts of stories, but he never says much about his work, even now.

  He has a sort of authority though.

  MIA:So how did you manage to capture that?

  ROB:I'd… I’d visualise what he must have been like in the past, when he was sitting in his consulting room listening to his patients.

  MIA:OK, so that's what you explain in your report.


  MIA:Then there's the issue of atmosphere—so in the first scene we needed to know how boring life was in the doctor's village in the 1950s, so when the curtain went up on the first scene in the waiting room, there was that long silence before anyone spoke.

  And then people kept saving the same thing over and over, like ‘Cold, isn’t it?’

  ROB:Yes, and everyone wore grey and brown, and just sat in a row.

  MIA:Yes, all those details of the production.

  ROB:And I have to analyse how I functioned in the group—what I found out about myself.

  I know I was so frustrated at times, when we couldn’t agree.


  So did one person emerge as the leader?

  ROB:Sophia did.

  That was OK— she helped us work out exactly what to do, for the production.

  And that made me feel better, I suppose.

  MIA:When you understood what needed doing?


  And Sophia did some research, too.

  That was useful in developing our approach.

  MIA:Like what?

  ROB:Well, she found these articles from the 1950s about how relationships between children and their parents, or between the public and people like bank managers or the police were shifting.


  And did you have any practical problems to overcome?

  ROB:Well, in the final rehearsal everything was going fine until the last scene -that's where the doctor's first patient appears on stage on his own.

  MIA:The one in the wheelchair?

  ROB:Yes, and he had this really long speech, with the stage all dark except for one spotlight— and then that stuck somehow so it was shining on the wrong side of the stage... but anyway we got that fixed, thank goodness.

  MIA:Yes, it was fine on the night.

  ROB:But while you’re here, Mia.

  I wanted to ask you about the year abroad option.

  Would you recommend doing that?

  MIA:Yes, definitely.

  It's a fantastic chance to study in another country for a year.

  ROB:I think I'd like to do it, but it looks very competitive—there's only a limited number of places.

  MIA:Yes, so next year when you are in the second year of the course, you need to work really hard in all your theatre studies modules.

  Only students with marks get places — you have to prove that you know your subject really well.


  So how did you choose where to go?

  MIA: Well, I decided I wanted a programme that would fit in with what I wanted to do after I graduate, so I looked for a university with emphasis on acting rather than directing for example.

  It depends on you.

  Then about six months before you go, you have to email the schemecoordinator with your top three choices.

  I had a friend who missed the deadline and didn’t get her first choice, so you do need to get a move on at that stage.

  You'll find that certain places are very popular with everyone.

  ROB:And don't you have to write a personal statement at that stage?



  I’ll get some of the final year students to give me some tips ...

  maybe see if I can read what they wrote.

  MIA:I think that's a very good idea.

  I don't mind showing you what I did.

  And while you're abroad don't make the mistake I made.

  I got so involved I forgot all about making arrangements for when I came back here for the final year.

  Make sure you stay in touch so they know your choices for the optional modules.

  You don't want to miss out doing your preferred specialisms.




  Question 21


  定位:题目中的关键词是 prepare、the character of a doctor;选项中的关键词是 A stories、B watch…working、C imaged…at work。题目问的是什么帮助罗伯准备扮演医生的角色。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 visualize、in the past、consulting room、patients。选项 c 中的 imagined 和定位句中的 visualise 是同义替换。定位句中讲到他想象他的爷爷过去坐在咨询室问诊病人的样子,和 C 项的意义相符合,所以答案是 C。

  Question 22


  定位:题目中的关键词是 first scene、boredom of village life;选项中的关键词是 A repetition、 B scenery... dull colours、C pauses conversation。题目意思是在话剧的幕中,乡村生活的枯燥体现在什么地方。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 how boring life was、in the doctor’s village、 kept saying、 the same thing。 题目中的 first scene 在定位句中重现,题目中的 boredom of village life 和定位句中的 how boring life was in the doctor’s village 是同义替换。同时,kept saying the same thing over and over 也体现了乡村生活的无聊,它和 A 项中的“repetition and phrases” 是同义替换,所以答案是 A。

  Question 23


  定位:题目中的关键词是 learned、working in a group;选项中的关键词是 A clear guidelines、 B copes well with stress、C good leader。题目意思是罗伯通过团队工作学到了什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 functioned in the group、work out exactly、feel better。题目中的 working in a group 和定位句中的 functioned in the group 是同义替换。 A 项中的 likes、clear guidelines 分别和定位句中的 feel better、work out exactly 是同义替换。定位句中讲到 Sophia 作为小组领导,很清晰地帮助他们制定出该做什么,这使罗伯感觉,所以答案是 A。

  Question 24


  定位:题目中的关键词是 support the production、research material;选项中的关键词是 A political、B .social attitudes、C economic。题目意思、是为了支持作品,用了关于什么的研究资料。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 developing our approach、articles、relations between。题目中的 support the production、research material 分别和定位句中的 developing our approach、articles 是同义替换。B 项中的 changing social attitudes 和定位句中的 relations between 是同义替换,所以答案是 B。

  Question 25


  定位:题目中的关键词是 problem、overcome、the final rehearsal;选项中的关键同是 A forgetting...words、B equipment failure、C injury。题目意思是学生们在最后彩排时克服了什么困难。

  解析:原题中的 problems to overcome、the final rehearsal、spotlight。 problem overcome、 the final rehearsal 在定位句中重现。 B 项中的 an equipment、failure 分别和定位句中的 spotlight、stuck 是同义餘。题目中讲到反光灯坏了,照在了舞台错的—方。所以答案是 B。

  Questions 26


  定位:题目中的关键词是 the second year;选项中的关键词是 A on time、B recommendation、 C plan、D institution、E ability... in..、F travel、G help。題目意思是在学这门课程年该怎么做。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 the second year、prove、know your subject really well。题 目中的 the second year 在定位句中重现,E 项中的 show ability in Theatre Studies 和定位句中的 prove that you know your subject really well 是同义替换。所以答案是 E。

  Question 27


  定位:题目中的关键词是 choosing、where to go,题目意思是次选择去哪里时应该做什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 choose where to go、fit m、emphasis on acting。题目中的 choosing where to go 在定位句中重现。D 项中的 institution、focus、relevant (与 acting 相关) 分别和定位句中的 university、emphasis on、acting 是同义替换。定位句中讲到要找一所把重点放在表演上而不是导演上的学校,而 acting 和 MIA 的专业相关,所以答案是 D。

  Question 28


  定位:题目中的关键词是 sending in、choices。题目意思是当递送选择时应该做什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 email、choices、get a move on。题目中的 choicest 定位句中重现,题目中的 sending in 和定位句中的 email 是同义替换。A 项中的 be on time 定位句中的 get a move on 是同义替换。题目中讲到 MIA 的一个朋友因错过了最后期限而没有得到选择,言外之意是要及时申报选择,所以答案 A。

  Question 29

  答案: G

  定位:题目中的关键词是 writing、personal statement。题目意思是当写个人陈述时应该做什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 write a personal statement、give me some tips。题目中的 writing、personal statement 在定位句中重现。G项中的 ask for help 和定位句中的give me some tips 是同义替换,所以答案是 G。

  Question 30


  定位:题目中的关键词是 abroad。题目意思是在国外时应该做什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 abroad、the final year、stay in touch。题目中的 abroad 位句中重现。C 项中的 the final year 在定位句中重现,C 项中的 plan for 和定位句中的 stay in touch 是同义替换。定位句中讲到 MIA 犯了一个错误,她没为回国后的最后一年做安排,言 外之意要为最后一年做好打算,所以答案是 C。