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剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 4真题+答案+解析

剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 4真题+答案+解析

发布时间:2020-10-26 关键词:剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 4真题+答案+解析
摘要: 为帮助同学们学习,小编为大家整理了剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 4真题+答案+解析,希望能够对大家有帮助。关于剑桥雅思的资讯关注新航道北京学校剑桥雅思栏目。

      为帮助同学们学习,小编为大家整理了剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 4真题+答案+解析,希望能够对大家有帮助。关于剑桥雅思的资讯关注新航道北京学校剑桥雅思栏目。 

    OK, are you all settled? Well, first of all, welcome to CardifT University. I'm here to explainwhat we can ofler you.

  Now, as a new student at the university, you will probably need some sort of guidance tohelp you to use the library efectively to study and rescarch. Some of you have asked

  about a guided tour but we find this rather muddles people. So in Lhis first week, we run aseries of talks which focus on different aspects of the library and its resources. You'll alsofind that to get the most out of the library you really do need to be computer literate andso all this term we run small classes which will bring you up t0 speed on how to access thecomputer-loaded information.

  OK, now let me give you an outline of what's available to you. You'll find that the computersare increasingly used as a research tool. Many students do most of their research on the

  internet and the library computers are permanently online. Having found what you need,you'll find you can readily save texts on your personal computer space to print off whenyou need. You might think that it is the fastest way to get information but the links canbe slow. Clearly you can find Jols on there bu much of it is useless information as it isfrom highly debatable sources - so be critical. You'l also find that the library has loadedseveral CD-ROMS onto the computers from specialist reference sources such as the MLA.It means we can expand what we offer you a very little extra cost and saves us having toinvest in more and more books. The CD-ROMS contain exactly the same information asthe reference books as the two are updated together.

  Now most of you will need to refer to journal articles in your work and you'll find you canalso access these online and we encourage you to do so.

  Clearly some oC you will find the printed version more accssi as it sits on the shelves bulTm afraid the intention is 1o phase these oшl eventually. However, you will still be able toprint off a version of the text rather than photocopying the journal pages. So you must getused to working online. Naturally we do stil have the full range of classic reference books,additional to the CD-ROMS, for yoù to use and there are several copies of each one. This isbecause some of you may prefer 10 borrow a book rather than sit in the Jibrary. There is arestricted loan time on these so that they are not missing from the shelves for too long.

  Although there is a Section Manager for each part of the library, they are very busy and so,if you do get stuck looking for things, you should ask the relevant Cataloguing Assistant.As your Training Supervisor, I just oyersee your inductịon and will not be around afterthis initial wcek.

  Some of you may be interested to know that the library is offering specialised trainingsessions on writing a dissertation. Obviously this is not relevant to those of you who areundergraduates; it is just for postgraduates. Your department will discuss the planningstage of the dissertation - i.e. what you're going to do - with you and we will focus on thestructure of it. Howcver, 1hc training will also include some time on the computers.

  I realise most of you know how to organise files but we can show you the different

  ways to run data programmes. Your tutors will tell you at the outset how to set out thechapters they require but you will need to ask them how they would like you 1o organisethe bibliography because it varies depending on your subject area. When you've 801

  something logether the trainer here will look through the draft version for you to seeif it's QK. And, one final point, for those of you who have registered from abroad,

  we can offer individual sessions on dissertations if you feel you need them. If you

  require language lessons then they are available from the Internationa Centre nextlQ the Law Dcpartment.





  因特网和图书馆的电脑是联机的。找到你需要的内容后,你会发现你可以很容易地将文本保存在你的个人电脑空间中,以便在需要时打印出来。你可能认为这是获取信息最快的方式,但链接可能很慢。很明显,你可以在那里找到Jols,但它是无用的信息,因为它是来自高度争议的来源-所以要关键。你还会发现图书馆在电脑上安装了一些专业参考资料的cd - rom,比如MLA。这意味着我们可以扩大我们提供给你们的书的数量,只需要一点点额外的费用,这样我们就不用投资买越来越多的书了。cd - rom包含的信息与参考书完全相同,因为两者是一起更新的。


  显然一些oC你会发现印刷版本的accssi坐在货架bulTm怕最终目的是1 o阶段这些oшl。然而,你仍然可以将文章的一个版本打印出来,而不是复印期刊页面。所以你必须习惯在网上工作。当然,除了cd - rom,我们还有全套的经典参考书供你使用,每本都有几份。这是因为你们有些人可能宁愿借书也不愿坐在图书馆里。有严格的借阅时间,所以他们不会丢失太长时间的书架。








  剑桥雅思5Test4听力Section 4答案+解析

剑桥雅思5Test4听力Section 4答案+解析

  Question 31 B

  在解答这道选择题时,考生要抓住一个关键词talks,明白它在这里是“讲座、讲话”的意思,说话人说他们将要安排一系列讲座,讲解图书馆及图书馆资源的各个方面。其实,没有听懂这个词的考生也可以使用排除法做这道题,A 选项正是说话人所不赞同的,他觉得会muddles people ;而C 选项在文章中根本找不到,我们并没有听见过computer center 的说法。故选B。

  Question 32 A

  作者虽然在讲话中推崇在网上寻找资料,认为这样做节省电脑空间,但也警告学生要小心网上的信息准确与否。考生这时要注意说话人的语气,他在发出警告时,语气放慢,以期能引起学生的注意,特别是说useless 和highly debatable 的时候。同时,他还告诫学生要critical(批判性的)。综合以上考虑,A 选项的unreliable 应该是说话人的态度,而其他两项并没有提及。

  Question 33 A

  说话人具体谈到CD 的时候不多,这样也使考生容易定位答案。说话人在提到CD 的好处时,用了一个习语:at very little extra cost,大多数考生都知道cost 的意思。并且,说话人又补充说明了这一点,指出这样一来可以省下钱了去购置的书了。B 项的说法在他的讲话中找不到根据;而C 项正好是对原文的曲解,说话人明明说到这两者是同步升级的:updated together。

  Question 34 C

  说话人在鼓励学生在线阅读期刊之前,先指出还是有学生觉得在图书馆的书架上借书要方便得多,但紧跟着就告诉学生这些书架上的书马上就要被分批撤走了。在他的这句话中,他用了一个抽象名词intention 和一个习语phase out,可能有的考生没有听懂他在说什么,而且他也没有再进行任何的补充说明,这就更增加了理解难度。A 项说这些文章可以不用还到书架上,这个说法在讲话中找不到根据;B 项对比了在线阅读和影印文章的开支不同,而文章并没有提到这二者的对比,提到的是学生在打印文本与影印文本之间作选择。排除了这两项之后,圈定答案为C。

  Question 35 A

  这道题的答案不是那么直接,需要考生从说话人字里行间揣摩。说话人指出,虽然有CD 存储,但还是准备了the full range of classic reference books,因为有人宁愿把书借出去也不愿呆在图书馆。符合这一说法的只有A 选项。B 和C 选项都是与说话人的意思不符,B 项中说参考书里的内容别的地方找不到,而说话人明明说CD 光盘里的内容与参考书保持一致,因为两者是同步升级的:updated together ;C 项说参考书借出的时间可以延长(extended),可说话人明确提出对于借书的时间有a restricted loan time,这里的loan 不是借贷的意思,而是指“借书”这件事。

  Question 36 B

  这道题的答案比较明显,说话人特别强调了自己的职责是oversee your induction,但是这个词组难住了不少考生。我们可以从他下面的话得出一点线索,他说他过了这个星期就不会再出现了,所以他能提供的帮助只能是方向性的、暂时的,不可能整天守在这里做支持(support)。而图书馆里的Section Manager 是需要学生自己去找的,并且也不常见到,所以圈定答案为B。

  Questions 37- 40 B, A, B, C

  这四道题难度相对较大。凡是出现在最后的Matching 题型,一般都是要考生对对话内容整体把握,寻找散落在对话中的答案,所以考生必须事先浏览题目,心中有数,听到相关信息时及时做记号,不要听完整篇文章再来回忆。说话人提出图书馆将会提供专门的培训(offering specialized training),但是这种专门的培训包不包括电脑培训呢?说话人先卖了一个关子,转而提及研究生做论文,说到学生所在的院系和图书馆在学生论文指导方面的分工不同,这才提到培训中包括对电脑的培训,因为学生们要知道如何使用数据系统。所以,图书馆将会负责专门的电脑培训。第38 题相对容易一些,因为说话人指出像组织参考书目这样的事只能征询导师的意见,所以该题选A 项。在解答第39 题时,考生要抓住说话人所说的trainer 到底指谁,可能因为他说here 的时候语速太快,有的考生没能跟上,但是应该猜到提供training 的只有图书馆,应该选B。第40 题较为明显,因为它的答案包含在最后一句话中,许多考生也听到了international center 的位置,知道该去那里寻求语言