
首页 剑桥雅思10



发布时间:2021-03-29 关键词:剑桥雅思
摘要: Test4雅思听力Section2解析


  Welcome to Manham Port, where a thousand years of history are brought to life.

  All the family can enjoy a day out at Manham: visit our copper mine, see models of the machinery it used, have your photo taken in nineteenth-century costume, experience at first hand how people lived at different stages throughout history, and especially how children studied, worked and played.

  The port of Manham is located in beautiful and peaceful countryside, on a bend in the great River Avon, and developed here because it's the highest navigable point of the Avon—boats can go no higher up this river—and proved a handy place to load and unload cargo to and from the sea, which is over 23 miles away.

  A small port was already established here when, about 900 years ago, tin was discovered nearby, though it wasn't until the Industrial Revolution, when a tremendous need for metals of all kinds developed, that Manham expanded to become one of the busiest ports in the country.

  And because it was already so busy, prospectors began to look for other minerals, and by the end of the nineteenth century, lead, copper, manganese and arsenic were added to the cargos leaving Manham.

  In the early days, the ores had been smelted—or processed—in the same area they were mined.

  But, as demand grew, the smelting process required huge factory furnaces or fires to melt the metal from the rock and there was not enough coal in the local area, so the rocks containing minerals had to be shipped long distances.

  Sadly, in the twentieth century, the great port of Manham declined, and thousands of workers were forced to emigrate out of the area.

  The building at the port fell into disrepair, and the place became almost forgotten.

  But then, the Manham Trust was formed to conserve the historical resources of the area.

  It organised scores of local volunteers to remove undergrowth to find the original outlines of the installations.

  It then brought in paid professionals to match installations with maps of the original port complex and to set about reconstructing it.

  Today you can see the results of this ambitious programme of restoration.

  The intention, and we believe this will be realised before the end of the year, is to return Manham Port to the condition it reached at its peak as ‘the greatest copper port in the country’.

  But what can you do and see on your visit today?

  Here are just a few highlights.

  We suggest you start with the visit to the copper mine.

  Travel on converted mining trains and journey into the depths of the mountain along seams once worked by hundreds of miners.

  Watch out especially for the great pumping machines which rid the mine of water.

  But please be warned that, like all mines, ours is very dark and dosed in and we do say that children under five and also dogs should NOT be taken into the mine.

  The next recommended visit is to the village school.

  While looking round the classrooms, take a special look at our display of games, which is one of the largest in the world.

  And it’s recommended that you time your visit to coincide with a guided tour.

  This will give you the opportunity to ask lots of questions.

  Near the school is the beautiful old sailing ketch called ‘The George'.

  You are welcome to board the boat and look round the cabins.

  Look out for the ship's wheel which was missing until only five years ago when it was dredged out of the silt by a local fisherman.

  We have no idea how it got there but it's been polished and proudly restored to its original place on the boat.

  Please take care going down the ladders if you wish to visit the lower deck—we don't recommend you allow young children to use them.

  So we hope you have a memorable visit to Manham Port and will tell your friends all about us.




  Question 11


  定位:题目中的关键词是 originally、develop;选项中的关键词是 A .safe、B. convenient、C. good position。题目意思是为什么 Manham 最初会发展成港口。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 developed、because、navigable、boats、load、unload、 cargo。题目中的 develop 在定位句中重现。题目中的 why 和定位句中的 because 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“那里是艾芬河上最适合航行的地点……提供足够的地方给来自海上的货船进行装货卸货”,与 B 项的 convenient、river transport 表达相同,所以答案是 B。

  Question 12


  定位:题目中的关键词是 caused、sudden expansion、Industrial Revolution;选项中的关键词是 A. improvement、B. demand...metals、C.in。题目意思是什么原因导致港口在工业革命期间得到突然的扩张。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 Industrial Revolution、expanded、busiest。 題目中的 Industrial Revolution 在定位句中重现。题目中的 sudden expansion 和定位句中的 expanded 是同义替换。定位句中 讲到“当对于各种金属有大需求时,Manham 成为了国内最繁忙的港口之一”,所以答案是 B。

  Question 13

  答案: A

  定位:题目中的关键词是 rocks、sent away、processed;选项中的关键词是 A. shortage 、B. transport、C. skills。题目意思是为什么岩石要被运送到 Manham 以外的地方去加工。

  解析:根据关键定位到录音中的 the smelting process、not enough coal、local area、flipped、 long distance。题目中的 processed 和定位句中的 the smelting process 是同义替换,题目中的 sent away 和定位句中的 shipped long distance 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“从岩石中提炼出金属需要大的工厂溶炉,但当地没有足够的煤,所以需要把含矿物的石块船运到远处”,所以答案是 A。

  Question 14


  定位:题目中的关键词是 declined、twentieth century;选项中的关键词是 A. works、B. traditional skills、C. new purposes。题目意思是在 20 世纪港口衰落后发生了什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 twentieth century、declined。题目中的 twentieth century、 declined 在定位句中重现。定位句中讲到“成欠上万的工人被迫移民到外地”,可知答案是 A。

  Question 15


  定位: 题目中的关键词是 Manham Trust、hope;选项中的关键词是 A. original port、B. provide jobs、C. rebuild。题目意思是名为 Manham Trust 的计划工程希望做什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 Manham Trust、brought、installations、set about、 reconstructing。 题目中的 Manham Trust 在定位句中重现,题目中的 hope to do 和定位句中的 set about doing 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“该计划聘请一批专业人员根据原始港口建筑群地图进行重建工程”,所以答案 C。

  Question 16


  定位:题目中的关键词是 copper mine、miner's、visitors、into the mountain,题目意思是游客乘坐矿工的什么入山。

  解析: 根据关健词定位到录音中的 copper mine、converted、journey into、mountain、 miners。 题目中的 copper mine 在定位句中重现,题目中的 take sb. into 和定位句中的 converted 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“像曾经的成百上千的矿工一样,乘坐矿山火车从狭缝里进入深山”,所以答案是 trains。此处要注意单词的复数拼写。

  Question 17


  定位:题目中的关键词是 advice、mine、enclosed、children、animals,题目意思是矿山是封闭的和什么的,不适合孩子和动物待在里面。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 mines' closed、children under five、dogs: not be taken。题目中的 mine、children 在定位句中重现,题目中的 enclosed、animals、unsuitable 分别和定位句中的 closed、dogs、not be taken 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“矿山很黑暗并且很封闭, 5 岁以下的孩子和狗都不应该被带进来”,所以答案是 dark。

  Question 18


  定位: 题目中的关键词是 village school、classrooms、exhibition,题目意思是在乡村学校里可以参观教室和参加一个特别的关于什么的展览。

  解析: 根据关键词定位到录音中的 village school、classrooms、special、display。 题目中的 village school、classrooms 在定位句中重现,题目中的 exhibition 和定位句中的 display 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“参观教室,并观看一个关于游戏的特别展览”,可知答案是 games。

  Question 19

  答案:guided tour

  定位:题目中的关键词是 recommended, 题目意思是在参观时,什么是被推荐的。

  解析:根据关键词定位到录音中的 recommended、your visit。题目中的 recommended 在定位句中重现。定位句中讲到“在你参观时推荐你配备一导游”,所以答案是 guided tour。

  Question 20


  定位:题目中的关键词是 ship’s wheel、 lost、children、shouldn’t use,题目意思是孩子不能用什么。

  解析:根据关键词定位到 ship’s wheel、missing、take care、don’t recommend、children、 to use。题目中的 ship’s wheel 在定位句中重现,题目中的 lost、shouldn’t use 和定位句中的 missing、don’t recommend...to use 是同义替换。定位句中讲到“如果你想到更低的夹板去参观,就要小心地走下阶梯,但我们不建议您让您的孩子去用它们(梯子)”,所以答案是 ladders。