
首页 雅思写作



发布时间:2021-04-13 关键词:
摘要: 雅思大作文(Task 2)有四项评分标准,其中一项(1 of 4 Criteria)就是语法,所以Grammar毫无疑问是雅思考官在批改写作试卷时较为看重的一项。

       雅思大作文(Task 2)有四项评分标准,其中一项(1 of 4 Criteria)就是语法,所以Grammar毫无疑问是雅思考官在批改写作试卷时较为看重的一项。但这恰巧也是中国同学最为薄弱的一项,他们甚至会感觉束手无策。这篇文章会针对雅思写作中语法的使用提出一些有效的建议。

  Task 2的评分标准中,语法的要求是Grammatical Range and Accuracy,字面上可以理解为“语法的多样性和准确性”。“准确性”很容易理解,就是要避免出现过多的语法错误;而“多样性”就是要使用各种各样的复杂语法(Using ‘complex grammar’ is necessary if you want a high grammar score)。但由于文化和教育的差异,我们眼中所谓的“语法”往往和考官眼中的有极大的差别,例如人见人爱的“倒装”在雅思中并没有那么吃香,反倒是我们不怎么在意的“时态”混得风生水起。下面我们就一起来学习(复习)一些在雅思考官眼中真正的语法。


  1. A combination of different tenses(各种时态的混合使用)


  a) I've been decorating the house this summer.

  b) I've painted the living room blue.

  c) Before man set foot on the moon, mankind had spent decades developing technology to travel into space.

  d) A great number of women used to die in childbirth.

  e) By the 22nd Century, mankind will have lived on other planets for many years.

  f) I’ll have finished in an hour and then you can use the computer.

  2. Passives(被动)


  a) Billions of dollars are spent annually on this research.

  b) My car was stolen yesterday.

  3. Comparatives(比较)


  a) Spending money on this research is not as beneficial as allocating it to more necessary items.

  b) This one is far more expensive than the blue one.

  4.Modal verbs(情态动词)


  The thieves might have escaped by car but we can’t be sure.



  a) I’ll go shopping on the way home if I have time.

  b) If people lived on other planets, there would be less pollution on earth.

  c) If I would studied harder at school I would have gone to university.

  p.s. 注意体会不同条件句(包括虚拟语气)时态的使用

  6.Relative clauses(定语从句)


  a) We got in through the widow which someone had left open.

  b) We got in through the widow, which someone had left open.

  p.s. 注意体会限定和非限定的区别,句的潜在意思是这个屋子有好多窗户,而第二句是屋子只有一扇窗户

  7.Participle clauses(动词分词)


  Spoilt by parents, children will become selfish.

  上述就是雅思写作中的Complex grammar,建议写作时每种至少使用一次以获得更高的语法分数。