
首页 剑桥雅思9



发布时间:2021-05-18 关键词:剑桥雅思9test2写作
摘要: 地图题以及一些工程图表题是雅思考试中比较“另类”的话题。考生接触较少,因此会产生的恐惧心理。在总结这类地图和表格题的信息时,




  The two drawings illustrate the changes of the same island before and after the construction ofsome transport and service buildings.

  It is clear that before development, the horizontal island which is about 260 meters long has a Few trees on both east and west sides. Furthermore, on the west edge, a small beach is located for tourism in the future.

  The layout changes tremendously after buildings are constructed in almost the whole island. The trees on the east side are kept for the natural view.

  However, the west trees are surrounded by some accommodation houses, with a footpath linked to the beach where a swimming zone is closely connected, Next to the western accommodation, there is a reception building around which a vehicle track road heading to the south pier for tourist sailing is just paved. On the opposite side of the pier, a restaurant stands at the north side near the seashore. The center of, the island is also designed to supply housing for tourists.

  In sum, comparing the two drawings,tremendous developments have been evident.These developments make the whole island crowded with modern facilities, which may cause damages to the environment.


  范文由四段组成:第 一段为引言段,主要介绍该图表展示的是什么方面的信息;第二段对改建之前的岛屿进行描述;第三段对改建之后岛屿的设施和交通进行描述:最后一段对两个图表体现出来的总体特点(overview)进行归纳,同时也表达了对岛屿环境的担忧。


  第 一段:

  Illustrate 以图表的形式说明

  Construction 建设;建筑物


  Horizontal 水平的;地平线的


  Layout 格局,布局

  Tremendously 惊人地,地,可怕地

  Accommodation 住处

  Reception 接待,接收;招待会;感受,反应

  Seashore 海滨,海岸

  Crowded with 充满,挤满


  I. The two drawings illustrate the changes of the same island before and after the construction of some transport and service buildings.


  2. However, the west trees are surrounded by some accommodation houses, with a footpath linked to the beach where a swimming zone is closely connected.
