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in control of 和 in the control of 这两个词组只相差一个the,意思完全不同。

in control of 和 in the control of 这两个词组只相差一个the,意思完全不同。

发布时间:2021-08-02 关键词:in control of ,in the control of
摘要: In control of 表示的是“控制,管控”

       In control of 表示的是“控制,管控”

  比如 A is in control of B 表示的是A控制了B

  They were in control of the southern side of the region


  Success people usually manage to stay in control of their emotions


  但是 in the control of 表示“ 被控制,被管控”

  比如 A is in the control of B 表示 A 被B控制了,或者B控制了A

  One-third of the market is in the control of this company.


  同样的结构也可以体现在in charge of/in the charge of 以及in possession of/in the possession of

  In charge of 表示“ 负责,掌管”

  The teacher put me in charage of organizing the exam.


  In the charge of 表示“被管理,被掌控”

  Mother puts the baby in the charge of the baby-sitter while she is out.


  In possesion of 表示 “占有,拥有”

  The passenger was in possession of a large dog.


  In the possession of 表示 “被占有,被拥有”

  A very large dog was in the possession of the passenger.
