
首页 剑桥雅思6



发布时间:2020-10-09 关键词:
摘要: The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and otherfamiliar topics.



  PART 1


  The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and otherfamiliar topics.




  Musical instruments


  Which instrument do you 1ike listening to most? [Why?]


  Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? [Which one?]


  Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school? [Why/Why not?]· How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher? [Why?]


    参考回答(毎个问题两个回答)PART 1

  1. W hich instrumen do you like listening to most?


  I like listening to guitars, pspeciall ectrie guitars. I love the high-pitched tones they produce. I can'treally say why I like the sound of guitars so much, though.


  I like listening to violins most of all, espcially when the violinist plays a piece of melancholy musie.However, I also like it when violinists play something very fast. Vanessa Mae is my favourite violinist.She plays the ecrie violin most of the time.


  2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?


  Yes. When I was a child, I leamt to play the piano a litle. It was my parent's idea. I liked it, but notvery much. I wasn"t disciplined enough to spend time learning how to play it well. I would like tolearn to play the guitar, since it"'s my favourite musical instrument to listen to, but I don't think I'llhave either the time or the ability.


  Never. I like listening to music very much, but I've never had the inclination to leam how to play aninstrument. Many parents in China want their children to leara to play an instrument, but mine weren'tbothered that I showed no wish to learn.


  3. Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school?


  Yes. 1 think that it would be good for schools to ffer lssons on how to play cerain musicalinstruments. Perhaps shools could teach all children for one year and then the most scecesf couldcontinue their studies if they wished.


  No. I think that schools should focus on academic subjects rather than on things like music, drama andsport If children want to leam how to play musical instruments outside of school, that's fine一butschools already have so much to teach in a limited amount of time.


  4. How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?


  1 think that leaming with a teacher is the best way, but that it is definitely possible to learm withoutone. A friend of mine has leamt to play the guitar quite well without a teacher, but she does say thatshe would like a teacher so that she could leam faster and better.


  I would say that it must be almost impossible. I mean, I'm sure that there are people who learn withouta teacher, but it must take more time. Besides, a teacher can correct your mistakes and make yourleaming more fficient. If there's no one to point out your mistakes, then you're likely to continuemaking them, aren't you?


  PART 2


  Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.


  You will have to talk about the topic for oneto two minutes.


  You should say:


  You have one minute to think about whal


  what you do


  you are going to say.


  where you do it


  You can make some notes to help you if you


  who you do it with




  and explain why you think doing this ishealthy.



  Frankly speaking, I am not a sportswoman, and moreover I am not called a very active person, but really there are some types of activities that I enjoy.

  For instance, swimming and water sports. I am fond of them, because doing them is healthy. It helps me to keep fit, prevents me from catching colds or the flu, and of course to be slim. It also provides me with energy for the rest of the day. Different styles of swimming that I usually alternate are useful to maintain a correct posture. So, I get a real joy simply from swimming, or from playing water sports, such as polo with my friends. I like to participate in team sports, and don't concern myself with time or professional results. Some of my friends are interested in swimming too. My friend Maria goes in for professional swimming, so sometimes I go to go to the swimming pool with her.

  In addition, I like swimming because I can do it all the year round. During the cold seasons I prefer to go to the swimming pool. In summer, I enjoy relaxing [1] by the lake or the river and swim there. And of course, I like to watch this sport on TV, including synchronised swimming and diving.

  PART 3


  Discussion topics:


  Keeping fit and healthy


  Example questions:


  Whal do most people do to keep fit in your country?


  How important is it for people to do some regular physical exercise?


  Health and modern lifestyles


  Example questions:


  Why do some people think that modern lifestyles are not healthy?


  Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?


  Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people's lifestyle healthy?What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?


    PART 3范文

  1.What do most people do to keep ñt in your country?


  Some people join fitmess cetres but they are ofen expensive Most peoplie keep f6 by going walkingl've heard that this is . very ffective way of kecping fit A few people, mainly womcn, use DVDsand vidcos that show you how to do various exercises. I think those videos are a litlet strange, but Isuppose they might be fetive.


  Actually, I think that most people do very itt to keep firt! There are some fitness clubs, but notmany people are members of them. Some people go jogging In the momings and evenings, you cansce people particularly young people - jogging on the streets and in parks. A few people have atreadmill at home or they use free weights at home when they have spare time.


  2 How important i for pecople to do some regular physical exercise?


  Numerous studies have shown that people who do regular physical exercise live longer and healthier, so I think that it is esstial Regular physical exercise helps your heart to stay strong as well as to


  keep your muscles in good conion. However, people have to be careful not to do too much phyicalexerise becusce this could cause injury to joints, pricularly the ankles and kness.


  1 sppoe it's quite important. Some people become overweight because they do t!o litle phsicalexercise. This is sometimes a problem with kids as well as; with adults. I read an article recently thatsays that when people exrcise, their brains create chemicals that make them feel happy So, I guessthat physical exercise can be good for your mind as well as for your. body.


  3. Why do some people think that modern lifetyles are not healthy?


  Well, there are a lot of people who spend too much time siting down in front of the TY or computerI think that most people get enough exercise, usually by walking, , but there are certainly many pcoplewho don't. I think that the worst problem is when kids don't get enough exercise.


  I sppose that they might be tinking of the kinds of food that have become increasingly popular in receeyears. People nowadays eat much more fat thanpreviously A lot of people don't eat enough fruit andvegetables. When it comes to snacks, pecople oflen prefer biscuits or chocolate to an apple or banana.4. Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?


  To be honest, I think that very few people actually choose to lead unhealthy lifestyles. I think that theyare often forced to by circumstances. For example, many people go to work by car or bus becauseitisfaster than going by bike or walking. Also, many people eat less healthy food for the same reason.I think that this happens because people don't give enough thought to what they are doing. Peopleeat unhealthy or at least less healthy -- food because they go for food that they like the taste ofrather than think about its nutritional value. Sometimes kids forget how long they have sat in front ofacomputer playing games rather than going out and getting some exercise.


  5. Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people's lifestyle healthy?


  I think that the government needs to encourage people to lead healthier lifestyles perhaps by doingthings like banning smoking in public buildings. The government could also make some public serviceadvertisements advising people on things like diet and exercise. This is not to say that individualsshouldn't do something as well. People need to take some responsibility by informing themselves andthinking more about what they do.


  I think that it's mainly up to individuals. They ned to realise that their life is their responsibility. Thegovernment has enough responsibilities without taking care of each individual's health needs. Peoplefind it casy to say that the govemment should do something and thus avoid responsibility themselves.6. What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?


  Well, I think that I will mention some ways in my last answer. Let me give a concrete example. nShanghai, there are many posters encouraging people not to spit. There are also some TV programmesthat advisc people on health matter fom ercise routines to healthy cating and coking Scholscould ensure that children get enough exercise by stting aside anhour - - or even just 30 minutesfor compulsory exercise each day.


  1 hink that here culd be morespapee and magazine aricles about healhy iving, Los opopleare interested in this topic, so it would certainly not harm new


  thing could be to label food according to its healthiness. Perharwspaper sales. Another more iffiultstars and the least healthy just one.


  Perhaps the halhiest foods would b givens
