
首页 剑桥雅思6



发布时间:2020-10-14 关键词:
摘要: 新航道小编为帮助大家在雅思考试中取得的成绩,为大家整理出关于剑桥雅思6:Test3雅思听力SECTION3真题+答案+解析,大家可以多加练习。




  Good morning everyone. Last week we were looking at the hunter-gatherers in Ireland, across the Irish Sea from England. Today, we' re going to move on to the period between fourand six thousand years ago, known as the Neolithic period, which is when a total farmingeconomy was introduced in Ireland.


  Now, there are several hypatheses about. the origins of the first. Neolithic settlers in Ireland, Q31bul mosl of these contain problems. For instance, there are considerable archacological dificulties about the theory that they came from England. The cvidence doesn't really addup. But there are even greater practical problems about the theory that they came directlyfrom continental Europe. For one thing, it's not clear just how sufhicienl numbers ûf men and women could have been transported to Ireland to establish a viable population. As youknow, the hunter-gatherer economy which existed beforehand was based on small scalleredgroups. The farming economy would almost certainly have requiređ much larger communities to do all the work needed to plant and tend suffcient crops to sulstain them through the year.


  The early farmers kept various animals, incluđing cattle and sheep. There's also evidence ofpigs, but it is possible that these could have been descended (rom the native wild species.Now, we know from modern farming that if the level of breeding stock falls below aboutthree hundred fema les, the future of the species locally is at risk. So we must assume thatfrom the beginnings _af Nealithic farming the number of breeding sheep would have considerably exceeded three hundred. and the national catle herd must have been_of _asimilar size. The question is how these were brought to the area and where they came from.

  早期的农民饲养各种动物,包括牛和羊。也有证据表明猪,但很有可能这些猪是由本地野生物种(Rom)遗传而来的。现在,从现代农业中我们知道,如果饲养数量低于300 FEMA,本地物种的未来将面临危险。因此,我们必须假设,从一开始就有饲养绵羊的数量。远远超过三百。全国的猫群是相当大的。问题是这些东西是如何被带到这个地区的,它们是来自哪里来的。

  It's usually suggested that the Neolithic settlers used skin-covered. boats. Lo fransporl livestock. But Lthis method would have severely restricted the range of 1he colonising feets.The sheer volume of animal transport necessary means it's unlikely that this livestockcould have been brought from anywhere further than England.


  What about crops? Well, two main cereal crops were introduced to Ireland đuring this time:


  wheat and barley, both in several varieties. The main cvidence for their presence consists 0f Q34impressions on pottery. where a ccrcal grain accidentally became embedded in the surface of a pot before it was fired. The grain itself was destroyed by the firing, bu it left an impression on the pot which could be studied and identified by botanists.


  Let's turn our attention now to the farming technology available at that time. Before thecereal crops could be planted, it would have been necessary to clcar the forest and to breakthe ground by ploughing. The stone blade of a plough has becn discovered during excavation in County Mayo in western Ireland. The body of the plough would have becnof wood and could have been drawn by people, but it's also likely that cattle were used .


  Now, the cultivation of crops and the husbandry of livestock brought about changes in people's lifestyle such as the type of shelters they made. For one thing, instead of moving fromplace to place they needed permanent dwellings. The stone axes used to chop down trees tomake these dwellings were far superior to any that the Stone Age hunter-gatherers used.


  To make the axes, sources of suitable stone had to be found and systematically exploited.  These so-called 'axe factories' were really quarries rather than factories, as the manufacture ofthe axes wasn't regular ly performed on the quarry site. However, after the axe had been chipped into shape, they nceded water and sand for grinding and polishing, so a high mountainside wouldn't have been an appropriate place for this. So this final slage of the  manufacture must have becn carried out close to water and surc cnough, there's ample  evidence of this at coastal sites,Now it's clear that these Neolithic axcs were transported all over Ireland, as well as to Scotland and the south of England. 1t's not really surprising that axes from 'axe factories' Q37in England have also been found in Lreland. At the very least, this indicates that there was a 1ink between the two islands during that period.

  为了制造斧头,必须找到合适的石材来源并进行系统的开发。这些所谓的“斧头工厂”实际上是采石场,而不是工厂,因为斧头的制造并不是定期在采石场进行的。然而,在斧头被他们把水和沙子切成碎片,用于研磨和抛光,所以很高。山腰本来不是个合适的地方。所以这个最后的残渣制造是在靠近水和水的地方进行的,而且这里有足够的水和水。在沿海地区有证据表明,现在很明显,这些新石器时代的轴心被运送到爱尔兰各地,以及苏格兰和英格兰南部。英国Q 37‘斧头工厂’的斧头在爱尔兰也被发现,这并不奇怪。至少,这表明这一时期两个岛屿之间的墨水。

  One of the most useful innovations of the colonisers was pottery making, which was quiteunknown to Irish hunter-gatherers The pottery was probably made by shaping clay into aball with the hand, and then hollowing it until the walls were the right thickness. Afterfiring, the Qutside was often polished. This would have helped the pols to retain water, a they werent glazed. Now we know that the clay used usually came from local sources,which suggests that manufacture was on a fairly small scale, even though thousands offragments are usually found at Neolithic sites. In the course of time decoration began to appear. At first this looked like a series of stitches and was just around the taps of the pols. This could have been an imitation of earlier vessels Q40which were made of leather sewn onto wood. Then cventually pols with decoration all ovel




  Questions 3I-40


  Questions 31-34


  Choose the correct letter, A, Bor c.

  选择正确的字母,A,Bor c。



  31 According to the speaker, it is not clear


  A when the farming economy was introduced to 1reland.


  B why people began to farm in Ireland.


  C where the early Irish farmers came from.


  32 What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?


  A Their numbers must have been above a certain level.


  B They were under threat from wild animals.


  C Some species died out during this period.


  33 What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?


  A Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sail.


  B Neolithic boats were too primitive to have been used.


  C Probably only a few breeding animals were imported.


  34 What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?

  34 爱尔兰新石器时代谷类作物的主要证据是什么?

  A the remains of burnt grain in pots


  B the marks Ieft on pots by grains


  C the patterns painted on the surface of pots


  Questions 35- 40


  Complete the sentences below.


  Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.STONE TOOLS


  35 Ploughs could either have been pulled by ....... or by cattle.


  The farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.


  36 In the final stages of axe -making, .......... and .......... were necessaryfor grinding and polishing.


  37 lrish axes were exported from Ireland to ........... and England.

  37 把爱尔兰斧头从爱尔兰出口到.还有英格兰。



  The colonisers used clay to make pots.


  The...... of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.


  39 Clay from ........... areas was generally used.

  39 粘土.地区被普遍使用。

  40 Decoration was only put around the .......of the carliest pots.

  40 装饰只在最,.........乱七八糟的罐子。


  31-34 CAAB

  35 people

  36 water sand

  37 Scotland

  38 outside

  39 local

  40 tops



  题 型:选择,完成句子


  场 景:新石器时代讲座




  1. Today, we are going to move on to the period between 4 and 6 thousand years ago, known as the Neolithic period,which is when a total fanning economy was introduced in Ireland.今天,我们继续讲4~6千年前的阶段——新石器时代,这是爱尔兰引入农业经济的时期。个定语“known as the...”修饰前面的“period”;第二个非限定性定语从句修饰“Neolithic period”。

  2. Now there are several hypotheses about the origins of the first Neolithic settlers in Ireland, but most of these contain problems.关于新石器时代批移民者的来源,有几种假说,但是大部分都有问题。“first”在这里不是指个,而是指批。

  3. The evidence doesn"t really add up.这些证据有些说不通。“add up”的意思是“说得通,加起来得到理想的结果”,这是口语中普遍的用法。

  4. The farming economy would almost certainly have required much larger communities to do all the work needed to plant and tend sufficient crops to sustain them through the year.农耕经济会需要的人来种庄稼和打理庄稼,以维持他们一年的生活。这句话用的是虚拟语气,意思是当时爱尔兰的人口不足以适应农耕经济。另外,该句“needed to plant and tend sufficient crops to sustain them through the year”作后置定语,修饰“work”。

  5. There's also evidence of pigs, but it is possible that these could have been descended from the native wild species.也有证据表明猪的存在,但也可能这些猪是野生物种的后裔。

  6. But this method would have severely restricted the range of the colonising fleets.但是这种方法可能会严重影响移民舰队的规模。“方法”指前问提到的“用兽皮覆盖的船来运送牲畜”,因为这样的船尺寸不可能太大。该句话用也是虚拟语气。在与考古学相关的话题中,因为证据不足或者是其他原因,不得不用虚拟语气。

  7. The main evidence for their presence consists of impressions on pottery, where a cereal grain accidentally embedded in the surface of a pot before it was fired.小麦和大麦出现的重要证据来源于陶器上的压痕,(也可能)是谷物的种子在陶器没有烧制之前碰巧嵌在瓷器的表面(而已)。“cereal grain”指的是前文提到的“小麦和大麦”。

  8. These so called ‘axe factories’ were really quarries rather than factories, as the manufacture of the axes wasn't regularly performed on the quarry site.那些所谓的“斧头工厂”实际上仅仅是一些采石场而已,因为在那些采石场,斧头的制作并不是有规律的。“so called”意为“所谓的”。

  9. This would have helped the pots to retain water,as they were glazed.这能让那些罐子储存水,因为它们已经被上过釉了。“help”并不总是“帮助”的意思,在这里指“能让……做某事”。

  10. This could have been an imitation of earlier vessels which were made of leather sewn onto wood.这可能是模仿早期的一些容器,把皮子缝到木头上。因为早期的容器是把皮子缝到木头上,上面肯定会有一些缝合的痕迹——针脚,所以在后期制作陶器的时候,会在陶器的边缘加上一些类似的装饰。


  第31~34题是选择题,因为选项都比较复杂,所以难度相当大。第31题题干中的“it is not clear”是定位的关键词,与原文中“hypotheses...contain problems”对应;另外还要注意选项c中的“came from”与原文“origins”是同义关系。第32题可以定位到“300”,而且能够听到两遍,同时A选项符合常识,难度不是很大。第33题可以利用听到的“livestock”直接进行选择。第34题只要听到原文中的“The main evidence for their presence consists of impressions on pottery,where a cereal grain accidentally embedded in the surface of a pot before it was fired”,就不难选出正确答案B。
