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雅思词汇解析| 城市问题

雅思词汇解析| 城市问题

发布时间:2023-04-24 关键词:雅思词汇
摘要: 今天我们来学习和城市相关的词汇。


  1. pungent /'pʌn(d)ʒ(ə)nt/

  adj. 味道强烈的;气味刺激的

  e.g. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a highly pungent, suffocating odor.

  补充:suffocating 令人憋闷的;使人窒息的

  如本季口语话题:A place where the air was polluted.

  e.g. It was this pungent and acidic smell that even hurt my nose and my eyes. I could hardly breathe.


  补充:acidic adj. 物质含酸的,酸性的

  酸雨:acid rain

  土壤的酸度:the acidity of soil.

  2. stagnant

  adj. 停滞不前的; 不发展的;


  a stagnant economy 低迷的经济

  stagnant wages 一直不涨的工资

  a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水/ 对应running water

  e.g. This country's economy has been stagnant for years.

  e.g. In the past 5 years, the company's sales have been declining or stagnant.


  e.g. The profit of the company was stagnant at 3.88 million.

  相比remain unchanged,stagnant 偏负面。

  3. congestion /kən'dʒestʃən/



  traffic/road congestion 交通拥堵

  ease/ relieve/ mitigate congestion 缓解拥堵

  e.g. There is heavy congestion on the roads during the rush hour.

  补充:rush hour 高峰期


  heavy traffic; traffic jam; gridlock


  a congestion charge

  “交通拥堵附加费’ 源于2003年英国伦敦,目的是为了减少伦敦市中心的车流量,亦减少空气及噪音污染等。


  4. disturbance

  n. 干扰;扰乱

  e.g. Residents are tired of the disturbance caused by the nightclub.

  e.g. Phone calls are the biggest disturbance at work.

  syn. distraction

  n. 骚乱;动乱;

  e.g. Many people were unhappy with the government’s plans but there were no reports of public disturbances.

  e.g. Troops were brought in to put down/ quell the disturbance. 平息

  syn. riot 暴乱;骚乱

  搭配:run riot 胡作非为;闹事

  2. 比喻:(想象力等)不受拘束; 任意发挥

  e.g. This book can let your imagination run riot.

  e.g. Crazy thoughts were running riot through my head.
